We take a first look at the new features of Connected Components Workbench version 12 in this week’s episode of The Automation Show :

For more information, check out the “Show Notes” located below the video.

The Automation Show, Episode 12 Show Notes:

Link to article referenced in video: What’s New In CCW 12

Learn about other releases:

Check out our coverage of other releases of CCW below:

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NOTE: Vendors, would you like your product featured on the Show and Blog? If you would, please contact me at: https://staging.theautomationblog.com/contact

Until next time, Peace ✌️ 

Shawn M Tierney
Technology Enthusiast & Content Creator

Have a question? Join my community of automation professionals and take part in the discussion! You'll also find my PLC, HMI, and SCADA courses at TheAutomationSchool.com.

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